Supervisory Committee

The CAWCR Supervisory Committee (CSC) is responsible for the oversight and management of CAWCR. Its primary role is to ensure that CAWCR achieves its objective of enhancing research and delivery through collaboration between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology.  The CSC provides high-level guidance on the direction of CAWCR research, with an emphasis on maximising its impact and on exploration of strategic opportunities to enhance the pipeline of prospective joint research projects.

Members of the CAWCR Supervisory Committee are:

  • Rob Vertessy, Director and CEO, Bureau of Meteorology
  • Alex Wonhas, Executive Director, CSIRO Environment, Energy and Resources
  • Graham Hawke, Deputy Director, Environment and Research, Bureau of Meteorology
  • Ken Lee, Flagship Director, CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere
  • Peter Craig, CAWCR Director (ex-officio member)